So that you will understand whats going on let me go back just a little bit. Jerry Paul was diagnosed with Basil Cell Carcinoma 3 yrs ago. That was 4 weeks before they did his surgery. While on the table removing the cancer they found that somewhere in that 4 weeks Squamous Cell Carcinoma also set in. (His new diagnosis is Basil Squamous Cell Carcinoma.By the way there is no hyphen in between the Basil and Squamous.) The Squamous Cell ate his gums, left side of his pallet, left cheek, left sinus & the upper left top lip. Not to mention most of the bone on the left side of his face. (If you were to take a medium point pen and draw a line under your left eye on the edge of your eye socket, that's how much bone he has left under his left eye. He does have his lower left jaw bone. That's it as far as the bone on left side of his face.)
Now on to whats going on now.
The last couple days the kids and I were on vacation, the flap on his face deteriorated some. Plus is separating on the inside, he also has pus pockets on the inside of his mouth, and you can see several spots on his gums, lips and cheek where the cancer is very active. Yesterday he could be sitting and doing nothing and his cheek would start bleeding. (the outside) & you could pretty much watch it spread. It spreading so fast really concerned us, so we decided to go to the emergency room.
The best part.
I get him to the ER and the doctors are very concerned bout him. They are so concerned they send him home. lol.
The doctors really are concerned. As matter of fact they have him admitted into the hospital almost as soon as we walk into the Er. They get him a CT Scan ordered and a bag of antibiotics. We get word from his nurse that they are going to admit him so couple hours later I decide to go ahead and head home. (my stomach was growling so loud that they people in the hallway could hear it growl. lol) But for some reason I decided to stop and make sure they were admitting him. Thankfully I did too. The doctor had decided not to admit him. I was a little upset. I mean I don't really want him in the hospital again. But this time its right where he should be. They need to be pumping him full of antibiotics to make sure he doesn't get an infection. But the ER doctor literally fought with himself for over 3 hrs. I'm not sure which side finally won, but that side decided Jerry Paul needed to go back to Medical City of Dallas (where the 1st surgery was done) We tried to explain to him that those doctors will not touch him again. (Out of our decision) But just like all the other doctors he didn't listen. The bottom line the doctors and the hospital didn't want to be responsible for him. Its not the 1st time we've come across this problem and it so wont be the last. Anyways, his home health doctor came by today and gave us the # to an ENT. They'll send the referral tomorrow and Ill call Friday to get an appt.
How is he today? Hes doing good. It only bled once today. And the spreading has slowed down. Ive noticed that when it bleeds that's when it spreads. Here are 2 pics that I took yesterday. One of em was taken at 4:03 pm the 2nd one was taken at 9:30 pm. You can tell the difference in the size of the what ever it is on his face. It did spread more after I took the pics. And its spread even more so today. It has spread over half of his flap.

Sadly, it wont be to long before it takes over his entire flap. We are afraid he will have to have it removed. We have been told that he cant handle another long surgery like that. Well see I guess.
Anyways, If anyone has any questions please ask. We don't mind the questions. The only bad question is the question you don't ask. Thank you to everyone that has added Jerry Paul to their prayers. Sadly that's about all he has left now. Please continue to pray for him.
Thank You