Jacob has his 1st girlfriend. Her name is Rachael. She is just the cutest lil thing. She stands bout his height, she has long blond hair, and the longest skinniest legs you've ever seen. Well Jacob got Rachael something for Easter. (A lil basket, with some candy and a brown bear) I wish I would've taken a pic of it. The 1st gift to the 1st girlfriend. After the pinewood race and taking him and a friend of his to the park. I called her mom explaining to her Jacob got Rachael something for Easter and would it be ok if we bring it by. (Her mom just giggles very excitedly and says that is just the sweetest thing) and I get directions to her house. 1st house we go to wasn't theirs. lol. Their is now a visitor from CA that thinks Texans are really strange. lol. We get to Rachael's house. And Jacob is ready to run. Hes real nervous of course. I told him to take a deep breath and it will be ok. We get out of car and his mom meets us outside, then Rachael's dad and older sister. They just kinda circle poor Jacob. He has this look on his face like he doesn't know whether to scream, run or panic. lol x 100. He just stands there looking panicked. We all introduce ourselves and we go inside. I sit down and Jacob stands beside me. Rachael's parents and I are talking and poor Jacob still looks scared to death. After a couple of minutes of Rachael staring at him wondering what is in the bag hes holding and waiting patiently for him to give it to her. Jacob goes to sit the bag down and I motion for him to give the bag to Rachael. He hands the bag to her and her mom and sister just kinda gather round and they start going thru the bag. They loved what Jacob had given her. Esp the bear.
Here comes the best part and what just really kinda floored me.
We are leaving and Rachael's mom looks at Jacob and says thank you and that was just so sweet of you. Jacob looks up at her mom and very gentlemanly and very adult like says "It was my pleasure." I don't know who was more impressed and floored, me or her mom. lol. (sorry I cant remember their names) I had to pick my mouth up off the floor real quick. lol.
I was so proud of him. (although I'm always proud of him) Rachael's parents were very impressed with him as well. You could just tell. He used his manor and though they are only 11 yrs old. He showed (even though it was small) that he respected Rachael.
You know its not often that a mom or dad gets to be around when their son gets to meet the parents. So I was honored to be a part of it. And then for him to be respectful and impress the parents I was that much more honored. Its not often that parents get to see their kids at other people houses and to see if they did a good job at teaching them their manners and show respect to other people. I am so proud of him. And I have done my job at making him a great young man.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
1st time meeting the parents
Posted by Montrena at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Best Street Rod
Yesterday, Jacob had his Pinewood Derby, finally. It was originally supposed to have happened months ago, but the day before the race, the Church decided it had better things to do. Seriously. Anyways. Unfortunately Jacob didn't win. As matter of fact of he came in 6th out of 8. He did get Best Street Rod though. He was really disappointed. I told him to blame daddy. lol. Daddy put the weight in the wrong place. lol. By th
e way I said that in front of his dad, and we all had a good laugh over it. They both knew I was joking. We both (his dad and I) explained to him winning isn't everything, that the important thing is he tried. And he had fun doing it. They had hot dogs afterward, which really wasn't very good. lol. The burnt ones they pawned off on the kids and the un-burnt ones were pretty much uncooked and they pawned those off on us poor parents. lol. But we had fun. And that is the important part.
Posted by Montrena at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Ive written all kinds of things about my daughter. But I also have a son. A wonderful 11 yr old. Hes bright and funny and very affectionate for an 11 yr old boy. He is allot like his sister and yet he is so different from her.
Posted by Montrena at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My last Easter
Well not really. Just the last Easter where the children that I gave birth to are hunting the eggs. lol. From here on out its strictly grandkids. (get that Niki? Its all up to you and Kyle until Jacob gets old enough to have grandbabies for me. lol)
Posted by Montrena at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
OMG!!! Do we really depend on them??!!
I can't believe that we have to put our lives in the hands of doctors. I had to take my brother to the emergency room today. Just in case someone other than my daughter actually reads this, I will tell you a little bout my brother.
Several years ago he was diagnosed with Basil Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2 different types of skin cancer) He has already had the cancer removed from his face (which took lil over 3/4 of the left side of his face, from right under the bone at his eye, if you draw a line with a sharp pencil that the size of the bone that is left, all his teeth, 1/2 of his pallet, 1/2 his bottom and top jaw, the entire sinus cavity on the left, and the entire left side of his nose.) and has had what the doctors call reconstructive surgery. That a whole different story. Anyways you get the idea.
Today I had to take him to the emergency room. He was complaining of the left side of his face hurting real bad. (Hurting more than normal) And it was swollen. (if you didn't know him you couldn't tell that it was swollen) Anyways, he was hurting so bad that he asked me to take him to the ER.
This is where the story gets really bad. When the doctor comes in the room and asks why hes there, we tell him. Then he looks at us and asks "What do you want me to do about it?" Can you believe those words came from the mouth of a doctor? Oh but wait it gets better. Thankfully they didn't find anything wrong except that the CT Scan did show some inflammation and allot of fat. (That while looking at my brothers face the doctor couldn't figure out why. Yet another stupid comment coming from the mouth of a doctor. But wait guys it does get better, believe it or not. He is looking us straight in our eyes and asks us word for word guys. Here is the best part and the reason I cant believe that "We really have to depend on them" He literally looks us in the eyes and seriously asks us (wait for it, here it comes guys.) " So what kind of doctor would you see for this?" ((CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT CAME FROM THE MOUTH OF A DOCTOR!!)) He was seriously asking us. We both just looked at him laughing and telling him Shoot we were hoping you could tell us.
I can't believe we have to put our lives in their hands. I have had to deal with allot of doctors that Ive had my doubts about. But I have to say he took the cake. At least the other doctors played it off that they knew what they were doing. You are putting your life in their hands to make you better. I'm beginning to think it would be safer to go to a bum on the street and ask him to make you better. At least with bums they can tell you either they don't have a clue or lie to you. And the money you give them will 90% of the time be helpful. (the other 10% going to drugs, which probably isn't any different than the doctors)
So just to let everyone know. If you have to go to RICHARDSON REGIONAL HOSPITAL in Richardson, Tx, DO NOT ALLOW DR. PETER HUI ANYWHERE NEAR YOU!!!!
Posted by Montrena at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just an update on "My daughter (prt 2)
My daughter says I exaggerate when it comes to her. Well baby girl. I'm not. I am very proud of you. But to let everyone know, though I think shes perfect just the way she is. I always have and always will no matter what she does. That's just the way it is. But to let everyone else know. She does have her faults. Her biggest is she worries. She always has. She will find something to worry about if she has nothing at the time. Like when will she have something to worry about. lol. I'm not joking. She has gotten better since Kaiden. I'm very proud of her for that. She is figuring out that its ok to just let it play out. She is figuring out what she should worry bout and what she shouldn't. That's hard for older people to do let alone for a person as young as her. She is learning that its ok not to be perfect. And though I make her sound like she is perfect. When she has come home with that B or lower grade. And I can only think of one time she made a C. I would ask her if she tried her best. She would say yes. And I would tell her as long as you did your best that's all that matters. No one is perfect and you cannot expect yourself to be. I had many talks with her crying letting her know that its ok to make something less than an A. That know matter what she does I will always love her. Just like her brother. I do have both of em on a pedestal. But its one that neither of them have to worry bout falling off of. I know they have their faults, I know they will make their mistakes, (I have tried very hard to make sure I let them know its ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from em.) And I know I will always love them no matter what.
A child's love when they are born is unconditional, and is supposed to be a parents love is unconditional. I have to say that it really is unusual to see a parents love that is unconditional. And I'm very proud to say (or at least I believe and I have proven) that I am one of those rare parents that my love for my child (ren) is unconditional. I haven't been happy with all the decisions she has made, (what parent is) but I never became so angry with her that I wouldn't talk to her or wrote her out of my life. And if she was to commit murder I would still love her unconditionally. And she would still be on top of her pedestal.
Most moms don't have a problem getting pregnant. They can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. Well I was told @ 12 yrs old that I would never have children. At 16 I found out I was pregnant. I had a hard time staying pregnant with her. Then had a little bit of hard time getting her here. So I really do treasure my kids. I do know how much of a gift they are. And when I laid eyes on her for the very 1st time I fell madly, deeply and unconditionally in love with her. I didn't know that a person could love that way or that much.
So no matter what mistakes she makes (over cooking cookies, worrying over the silliest of things, making a C, D, or even an F on a school paper, or any other mistakes she has made or will make) she has been and always will be perfect. I know and I want her to know and to understand that I know she will make mistakes. Big ones and small ones. But she is always perfect. And always my 1st true love. (She knows what that means) Everything I have written about her so far isn't an exaggeration. Just get to know her. You cant help but love her. You will know just how special she is. And if you need her if she can (and she will do everything she can to be there) she will be there for you.
I love you my beautiful baby girl
Posted by Montrena at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Beautiful Daughter (prt 2)
Posted by Montrena at 3:29 PM 0 comments