I keep trying to write about my daughter now as an adult. I know Ive rewritten this a
hundred times. I just cant get it out. It just ends up reading like I'm rambling and fumbling with words. And to tell the truth I am. How do you write just how wonderful a person is? How do you write just how proud of someone you are? Or how great a mother they are? If you read how wonderful a child she was you kinda get an idea of how wonderful an adult she has turned out to be and mother. Every time I look at her I am in such awe of her. She is just so beautiful, with a heart and voice to match. I still cant get the words out. But every time I look at her my heart just wants to explode with all the love and pride I have for her. Just look at this picture, Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life. When I go visit her I just stare at her. I want to run to her and wrap my arms around her and never let her go. To tell her that I'm just so very proud of her. And that she has grown into such a wonderful woman and mother. And that I'm so thankful that shes my daughter.
I think Ive come closer this time than I have any other time. Though Ive actually to write just what kinda woman she is. The words do not exist. I will continue to try and write just what kind of woman she is. Maybe someday I will find the words. But if you've ever met her you know what I'm talking about.
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