Ive written all kinds of things about my daughter. But I also have a son. A wonderful 11 yr old. Hes bright and funny and very affectionate for an 11 yr old boy. He is allot like his sister and yet he is so different from her.
The main reason I haven't really written about him is because, like Niki, I cant put down on paper (Or in this case on puter, lol) just how I feel about him.

It took allot to get him here. I tried to miscarry him when I was 3 months pregnant with him. I had to stay in bed for months. But he made it. Then his delivery was really hard. I was dilated to a 3 and he was coming. lol. The nurse said she had never seen anything like it before. She had been a nurse for over 20 yrs. lol. I had to manually dilated. And was being prepared for an emergency C-Section. Thankfully at the last second I dilated to a 10. Then when he was a week old he woke up with a fever of 104 and rising. Not only did he have a fever his little left nipple was swollen, red and had puss leaking from it. I got him to Dr office. He fever was 106. They gave him Tylenol and Motrin then took spinal fluid. They told me to get him to Dallas Medical City, that they were expecting us. They took spinal fluid from him 3-5 daily for 2 weeks. After a month they were finally ready to send him home. Though they never did find out what was wrong with him. But to send him home they had to put in a Pic Line. (Its an IV that goes straight into your heart. His was put into his neck) This lil thing was having to have a dangerous surgery at a month old. Thankfully the procedure went off with out a hitch. But when they got him back to his room, the nurse came into check the line. She noticed he had fluid coming out from under the bandage. I tried to tell her the doctor said that was normal and that it would stop. She went to pull the tape off of it and pulled the line all the way out. I was MAD. When I got the head nurse in the room, the nurse tried to blame Jacob for it. She could have killed him. Not to mention have you ever seen a month old strong enough to be able to pull tape off. Especially when its on his neck. Not to mention he was still sleeping from the anesthesia. Thankfully I was able to get her fired. And she lost her ability to work in a hospital. The doctors wanted to put the line back in and I told him No but HECK NO. (Not really what I said, But the G version) They never did find out what was wrong. And thank GOD, he hasn't suffered any lasting effects. Except for a scar on his neck where the line was and his left nipple in inverted. But other than that he came out perfect.
The point of both those stories was to prove just how strong he is. And so smart. He was given a placement test when he was in 1st grade. But they took him out of PE to do it. He got so mad that he was taken out of his favorite class that he looked up at his teacher and told her that he would fail the test. And he did just that. lol. He failed the test by 1 point. lol. He stays so bored in class now. We have him signed up to be tested yet again. He does so well on those state required tests. All his teachers knows he doesn't belong his the grade hes in. He averages 2-3 grades ahead.
Jacob is a very smart fun loving little boy. He loves life, though he little bit on the shy side, hes a very friendly little boy, he polite. His on only draw back (just like his sister) is that he wants to make everyone happy. He doesn't really like to play sports. And he has tried them out. Baseball, football.
He is now a Boy Scout. And he loves it. He goes out of his way to get his badges. He is working on getting the Scholar badge. I talked to the pack leader. And he was telling me that they don't give that badge out very often. The kids just don't try to get that one. But Jacob has almost completed the requirements for it. He has one step left. (for those that don't know, theres 3 parts to get that badge) He cant wait to get to work on the whittling badge. And is working on getting his animal husbandry badge. The pack leader said its so rare to see a child so excited about Boy Scouts. And work so hard to get the badges or so excited bout moving on to the next badge.
I am just very proud of him and I thank GOD everyday that hes in my life.
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